The Data Column

FOSS.NoSQL.Databases.Containers - Blog by Vishal Gandhi
What is this?
The Data Column is attempt to share my learnings with the world and the technology enthusiasts.
As I attempt to explore FOSS and new technologies, I would also like to help those who are on a similar journey.
Learn about NoSQL, Containers, Reverse Proxy, Docker, Kubernetes, and more here on my blog.
What do I do?
I have been into multiple areas of software engineering, software support and database technologies for two decades.
Started my journey in traditional software. In the recent years I am fascinated by the FOSS and FOSS way of software development.
I believe that if there is a code develop by someone, there was a business problem that triggered the need. I love to reproduce complex business problems and solve them using FOSS in my free time.
Who am I?
Born and brought up in India, I enjoy reading books, finding ways to be more productive and creative. I believe in DRY (Dont Repeat Yourself) principle and love to automate the routine things.
My other passions includes cycling and running. My life experience changed when i transformed myself. During weekends, love to cook and try new cuisines.
I have two lovely children who add joy to living each day.